All A-Whirl Quilt Testers

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Hello Quilty Friends,

Who says writing 3 patterns in a month and a half can’t be done?

I know…I’m much later than anticipated. It’s been just a tiny bit crazy around here. Who doesn’t have crazy going on?

Since the last post I sent out, I’ve written three more patterns (one has testing complete this past week and another is in testing this week as of this past Tuesday, and the last just went to my editor). I’ve made two shop samples of the previous quilt pattern and started two more quilts for the upcoming patterns.

I’ve also made space in our home to house one of our kids. Life happens and I’m thankful that, as parents, we have a place where our kids can come and recoup. Gather themselves and get out into the world again.

So much stuff is creating worry and doubt about how any of this will pan out.

I’ll tell you more about that stuff later. For now, let’s see the lovely quilts that came from the All A-Whirl Quilt Pattern Testers!

Amazing Quilt Testers

Please meet Elizabeth Wells. She jumped into this test with both feet!

Her quilt is so amazing with a great selection of ocean-themed fabrics from her stash. I’m a sucker for ocean-themed fabrics! Sshhh….don’t tell anyone! Her quilt made me miss living in Hawaii for just a minute. LOL! Thank you, Liz, for your hard work!

You can connect with Liz on Instagram at @quiltinglizzie

Next up is Heather Davis. Heather came in a little late to the test. I have to say, though, that I didn’t mind at all. Her stash choices are wonderful! There’s nothing quite like using solids to get the point across! Thank you, Heather D., your work is beautiful.

Check out Heather Davis on Instagram at @heatherdavishandmade She has some beautiful things going on!

Heather Feeney hit spring right on the head with her fabric choices.

Here’s a small story…when the testing started for this pattern the rest of the world was in full swing spring. We, in Alaska, still had snow on the ground. So when Heather F. posted her fabric pulls on Instagram I nearly started crying. She created a quilt that hit my soul. Thank you, Heather F., you did amazing work!

Hit up Heather Feeney on her Instagram at @hfeeney19

Izell Jooste is such a trooper! She grabbed up her stash and created an adorable quilt. I love everything about her quilt! Izell, thank you for all of your efforts!

Go see Izell’s works of art on Instagram @izelljooste

Here is the work of Juana Ibanez. Juana wanted to use this pattern to make a table runner. She was able to get started but life sprung an emergency and she had to stop. As far as I know, she was only able to finish these 2 blocks. Her color choices from her stash will make a great table runner that would make be proud to put on my table!

Even though she didn’t get to finish, her efforts shouldn’t go unnoticed! Thank you, Juana, for taking the best shot you could!

Juana is just starting up her Instagram so head over and give her a follow @CannibalizedCloth

These ladies are truly amazing. They took a tester call knowing it was a short 2-week run and they did amazing work! And they provided insights that were invaluable to the pattern itself.

They didn’t mind that this was my first pattern in 10 years, nor that I had the process all backward and sideways. They were caring, polite, and more than instructive to this newbie pattern writer.

Now that the All A-Whirl pattern is out in the wide world, there will be another to join her by the end of next week. June 7th will be the day that the All Around the Wild quilt pattern will be for sale. I’m happy to add another pattern to my portfolio and look forward to more to come.

Until next time!

Much love,



Two Patterns and Their Testers


In Studio With Carolyn April 2024